XIQS Get Vsp Event List

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XIQS Get VSP Event List - VSP Events Management

getXIQSVspEventList ( [ Long id_partition ] )
Get a list of all VSP (Virtual Sim Proxy) events owned by partition. If the current logged user is administrator, he gets the full list of all VSP events unless a 'id_partition' parameter is specified.
[ Long id_partition ] Partition Id
Return Values
List List of VSP Events
Long id - VSP Id

Long devid - Device Id

Long date - Date and time of insertion in database

Long type - Event type ( 0 - Unknown Type, 1 - Old Event received at registration, 2 - Event received instantaneously )

String evtdate - Date and time of device, string sent by device

String evtcode - Event Code is in the following format: 0xCCTTRRSS (CC: category, TT: type, RR: reserved, SS: severity)

- 0x01 : API, report calls from main Application
- 0x02 : SR, report SimRack communication status
- 0x03 : SM, report SimManager communication status
- 0x04: SIM, report Modem/VSIM communication status

Types: Depends on categories
API Types:
- 0x00 : VSP Stopped or stopping
- 0x01 : VSP Started
- 0x02 : New PLMN received (after ListAvailableOperators was called)
- 0x03 : The datalink is currently active on M1
- 0x04 : The datalink is currently active on M2
- 0x05 : The datalink is currently active on M1 and M2
- 0x06 : No datalink is currently active

SimRack Types:
- 0x00 : The SimRack socket has been disconnected
- 0x01 : The SimRack socket is trying to connect
- 0x02 : The SimRack socket is connected and ready to use the simcard
- 0x03 : The VSP is currently disconnecting the SimRack socket
- 0x04 : The VSP is reading the needed files from the simcard
- 0x05 : The VSP is ready to communicate with the modem

SimManager Types:
- 0x00 : The SimManager socket has been disconnected
- 0x01 : The SimManager socket is trying to connect
- 0x02 : The SimManager socket is connected
- 0x03 : The VSP is currently registered to the SimManager
- 0x04 : The VSP is currently disconnecting the SimManager socket
- 0x05 : A simcard has been allocated by the SimManager
- 0x06 : The previous simcard has been unallocated by the SimManager

SIM Types:
- 0x00 : The SIM is powered off
- 0x01 : The VSP is opening the reset I/O
- 0x02 : The VSP is opening the SIM UART
- 0x03 : The VSP has received the SIM RESET signal
- 0x04 : The VSP has sent the ATR
- 0x05 : The VSP has performed the PPS negociation
- 0x06 : The VSP is executing the AUTHENTICATE instruction
- 0x07 : The VSP executed the AUTHENTICATE instruction successfully
- 0x08 : An error occurred on SIM UART (parity, break...)
- 0x09 : The erroneous APDU was received
- 0x0A : The VSP was unable to respond to the modem on time
- 0x0B : The EFLOCI simcard file has been updated
- 0x0C : The EFPSLOCI simcard file has been updated

Severities: common for all categories and types
- 0x00 Info
- 0x01 Warning
- 0x02 Error

String state - The current states for the 4 event categories. Format is 0xAABBCCDD (AA=API, BB=SR, CC=SM, DD=SIM)

Long error - Error code (0 - no error)

String description - Event description

Long id_partition - Partition Id

Error Data structure ( Error Management )

Possible failure code returns
See Also


Personal tools
XIQS XML Protocol
XIQS Framework Libraries
XIQS Command List